The construction of the highway to Skopje begins in 2013

Officials from the Kosovar Ministry of Finance said that the budget projection for 2012 is not providing funds for the Prishtina – Hani i Elezit highway. It was also stated that they are preparing technical and feasibility studies regarding the highway. Different financing options are also being considered.

“We expect to finalize all these studies in the first half of 2012 , prepare documents and materials necessary for the bidding process and if we see that this costly project can be accommodated, it may be part of the budget for next year” was said in the statement. “However, all indications lead us to believe that 2012 will be the year for final preparations for this project and that the project will begin in early 2013.”

In the draft budget for 2012, 296 million Euros are planned to be spent on the Vermice-Merdare highway. Around 56 million Euros out of this sum will be spent for expropriation and 240 million Euros on the works in the Prishtina – Merdare highway.

/ Koha /

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