Raiffeisen Bank buys new building in Prishtina

“Raiffeisen Bank” and “ENK Invest Group” have signed an agreement for the purchase of the new headquarters of “Raiffeisen” in Prishtina. The board of “Raiffeisen Bank International” (RBI) has approved the purchase of this new building in the complex of “ENK Invest Group”, which will be used as the central office of “Raiffeisen Bank” in Kosovo.

“The decision to purchase a new central office once again shows the commitment of “Raiffeisen Bank International” to Kosovo. This will further strengthen the role of ” Raiffeisen Bank” in the development of local businesses and the economy generally,” said the executive director of “Raiffeisen Bank” in Kosovo, Robert Wright.

“I am very pleased that ‘Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo‘ will be one of the investors who will have headquarters in the ENK Complex. This confirms that Kosovo remains one of the most attractive countries in the region in terms of investment, “said Edmond Kërliu, executive director of” ENK Invest Group “.

Currently, central office employees of “Raiffeisen Bank” are divided into four different buildings in Prishtina.

“The new building will create a more convenient and more effective working environment. In accordance with the bank’s strategy of being the best employer in Kosovo, the new building will create better work conditions and enough space for other services such as a restaurant and a child care center “, said officials of the Raiffeisen Bank.

/ Koha /