OSCE and MTI launch awareness campaign on consumer rights protection

The Ministry of Trade and Industry of Kosovo (MTI) and the OSCE have launched a media campaign asking for help from the consumers to report the cases when their rights are violated. Although The Law on Consumers Protection was adopted in the Kosovo Assembly, it lacks complete implementation due to the small number of inspectors and limited budgetary funds.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Lutfi Zharku praised the Inspecting Office but complained that the low number of inspectors and budgetary limitation make the full protection of consumers difficult. The current campaign aims to affect the care of consumers towards the products they buy, said the OSCE Ambassador Werner Almhofer.

MTI officials admitted that there are gaps in the current Law, but they assured that they have been working for its improvement, and it is expected that the Government will review the Law in the first quarter of next year.


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