Kosovo welcomes 80 Croatian companies

Prishtina, 12 March 2007 – Croatian Economy Minister Branko Vukelic is heading a business delegation to a one-day visit to Kosovo. An economic forum will be held in Prishtina with 80 managers from Croatia participating.

The total exchange of goods between Croatia and Kosovo is around 33.4 million euros per year, with Croatia’s exports covering 32.2 million euros. Mostly exported are agricultural and food products.

The greatest Croatian exporters to Kosovo are TDR, Podravka, Saponia, Kvasac, Ina, Koncar, Pliva, Dukat, Kras, Ledo, Petrokov and Belupo. There are 15 Croatian companies in Kosovo, while 30 companies are present via dealers and distribution companies.

Croatian companies’ business is facilitated by the temporary agreement on free trade signed by the Croatian government and the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo.

In line with the agreement dated November 1, 2006, customs tariffs have been rescinded for industrial products, except for three groups of products from Croatia on which 60 percent of customs tariffs is paid. This will also be rescinded next year.

Customs tariffs for agricultural products were also cancelled, except for five groups of products on which the rate of most privileged nation is applied.

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