Kosovo to change fiscal policies

Prishtina, 12 June 2007 – Officials in the Ministry of Economy and Finances (MEF) stressed that it is necessary to make few changes in the current fiscal policies but also underlined that during the process there should be a very careful approach in order not to damage the budget sustainability.

“We need to have a very careful approach in order not to put in danger the sustainability of Kosovo budget,” said Behxhet Brajshori, Deputy Minister of MEF. According to Brajshori, there are some changes that need to be made in accordance with few assessments that will be given by Department of Macro-Economy Policies and Tax Administration of Kosovo.

Preparations for eventual changes in fiscal policies should start one year before they take place. “Fiscal Policies precede the drafting of budget. Certain analyses should be done in order to conclude whether changes should take place or same tariff norms should continue” said Brajshori.


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