Kosovo: regular direct flights Prishtina – New York

Prishtina, 7 May 2007 – An agreement considered to be of special importance for Kosovo was signed between Adriatic Eagle Air and Kosova Airlines, enabling direct and regular flights from Prishtina to New York and back. Prishtina International Airport (Kosovo) will be the first airport in the region to offer direct flights to New York.

“It is a success when we offer our clients another flight and destination,” stated Kosova Airlines Director, Remzi Ejupi. Ejupi added that this flight is convenient for the passengers since it is only an 8 hours flight.

The first direct flight from New York to Prishtina will take place on 13th of June 2007. “We are getting prepared for inter-continental operations,” stated Managing Director of Prishtina International Airport (PIA), Afrim Aziri.

For more information and online reservations, please visit the website of Kosova Airlines


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