Kosovo: reactions against new energy tariffs

Prishtina, 4 April 2007 – Kosovo Labour Union BSPK is categorically against the increase of energy tariffs and requests the Energy Regulatory Office to annul the decision, reported a majority of the written and broadcast media.

Head of BSPK Haxhi Arifaj is convinced that the increase of energy tariffs will have the opposite effect of encouraging people to pay electricity bills. “The great increase of energy tariffs provokes the labour force and the people. It is an irresponsible decision and must be revoked as soon as possible,” stated Arifaj. Furthermore, he threatened to call for protests if the decision is not revoked.

Opposition parties and Kosovo Prime Minister Agim Ceku are also against the increase of energy tariffs. The Council for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedom is another institution that does not support the tariffs.

KTV reported that despite its persistence, ERO and MEM officials failed to provide information regarding any possible change in the tariffs.


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