Kosovo: LDK takes the Ministry of Interior, AAK that of Justice

Prishtinë, Feb 28, 2006 – The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) have reached in principle an agreement to share the posts of the two newly created ministries.

The Board of LDK has accepted in Monday’s meeting to take the Ministry of Interior Affairs, and to leave the Ministry of Justice to AAK.

LDK has also decided to appoint Sabri Hamiti in the post of the Parliament Presidency member, filling thus the vacant position left after Fatmir Sejdiu has taken the post of President several weeks ago.

The spokesperson for the AAK, Ernest Luma said that all what has remained to be done is formalizing the agreement.

Luma told KosovaLive that that AAK will nominate Jonuz Salihaj for the post of the Minister of Justice. On the other hand, Minister Lutfi Haziri from LDK, said that his party will come up soon with the nominee for the post of the Minister of Interior Affairs.

ECIKS / KosovaLive