Kosovo: Job Fair opens in Prishtina

For the eighth time on the row, on Wednesday the Job Fair was organized by the American Economic Chamber of Kosovo (AMCHAM) and the American University of Kosovo (AUK), in order to serve as a meeting point between students and the business partners of AMCHAM.

Some of the most prestigious companies in Kosovo participated in the fair and offered job positions as well as internship programmes to students.

Officials from AMCHAM said that the fair is a continuation of annual meetings organized by them, which provides a good opportunity for students and attending businesses to meet.

Job fairs are unique opportunities for students to meet with potential employers and they are one of the most effective strategies for recruitment.

The businesses which attended were: Coca Cola Hellenic, AltaVia Travel, Assecco, AVC Group, Banka Ekonomike, Buçaj, Cacttus, EBC Company, INKUS (VideoFest), IPKO, KPMG, Meridian Corporation, PR Solutions, ProCredit Bank, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Recura Financials, SIGAL and Trokit. This job fair was organized by Coca Cola Hellenic.

ECIKS / Koha