Kosovo invites companies to develop and operate small hydropower plants

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo invites experienced Hydropower plant operators, developers, and investors to submit qualifications for the purposes of being short-listed to participate in a competitive tender for the development and operation of Small Hydropower Plants (the “Project”).

As currently envisioned, the Project will be in the form of a 40-year Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Transfer (DBFOT) Agreement encompassing the following:

Financing, engineering, construction, management, operation, and maintenance of Small Hydropower Plants

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo invites all Interested Parties to submit their credentials by May 10, 2010 in accordance with the requirements set forth in the RFQ tender dossier, available upon registration at the following address:

Mr. Osman Vishaj, Procurement Manager
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Tel: + 381–38-200-34-450
Fax: +381-38-213-143
Email: HCVProkurimi@PPPKosova.org

All Respondents that are qualified in accordance with the minimum requirements set forth in the RFQ will subsequently be invited to submit proposals for the Project.

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