Kosovo highway construction begins on April 25

Kosovar Minister of transportation, Fatmir Limaj, said Wednesday in Prishtina that the construction Vermice-Merdar highway will begin on April 25.

Limaj made these comments just two days after Kosovo’s government signed the €700 million contract with the American-Turkish consortium, “Bechtel & Enka, for the construction of the highway.

During the press conference, Minister Limaj provided some details of the new highway. He said that the projected speed along the entire length of highway in Kosovo is 120 km per hour, whereas in areas where environmental criteria allows it, the speed limit will be 140 km/hour.

Highway will have dynamic signals (display), communication systems and noise barriers.

The highway project, linking Kosovo with Albania in the south and Serbia in the north, is considered very important for Kosovo. It provides access to the Adriatic Sea and Durres port and creates preconditions for the movement of goods and people and economic development

This project is expected to affect the development of local companies, since a large number of them will be subcontractors for “Bechtel & Enka”.