Kosovo: International conference on mining

Prishtina, 28 June 2007 – Over 30 international companies have attended the International Conference on Mining, held in Prishtina. The participants share the belief that Kosovo’s mineral capacities present good possibilities for the potential investors and for developing the country.

The positive aspects of Kosovo such as low labour cost, laws and investment climate were also presented. Hence, the belief that Kosovo is attractive for investments.

“Kosovo’s natural resources, especially minerals are important national property and should influence the economic development of Kosovo. However, we have to use the resources with the most advanced technology” stated Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu.

“The Mining and the mineral sector is the traditional strength of Kosovo because Kosovo has the advantage over competitors in international markets” stated SRSG Joachim Ruecker.

“Although during the last years, we have been focusing on the status of Kosovo as an essential issue, we did not leave economy aside. Once the status is resolved, the economy will become our priority,” stated Prime Minister Agim Ceku.

The Minister of Energy and Mining (MEM) Ethem Ceku spoke of the laws and regulations of the mining sector. “Kosovo is quite rich with mineral resources, lignite, lead, zinc, nickel, chrome, gold and silver as well as many other rare minerals,” stated Minister Ceku, adding that the status of Kosovo is the basis for investments. “We are confident that Kosovo’s status will soon be resolved and we will have development platforms ready.”

Various aspects of the mining sector were presented in the conference. KTA officials spoke of the privatization methods, the ways Kosovo enterprises have been privatized, especially the mines. “The KTA, the Ministry of Energy and Mining and others are looking into ways of privatizing the greatest mine, Trepca. There are also mines of Ferronikeli, Golesh and those of Strezovc,” stated KTA Deputy Managing Director, Ahmet Shala in order to remind that Trepca is a Socially Owned Enterprise that will be privatised by special spin-off.

The discussions in the conference continued yesterday while a visit to trepca is expected for today.


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