Kosovo: Indictment against Woollett confirmed

Prishtina, 5 January 2007 – TVs and all dailies report that UNMIK Spokesperson, Neeraj Singh, announced yesterday that General Director of Prishtina International Airport, Ioan Woollett was indicted by an international prosecutor on 19 December 2006 for allegedly accepting bribes from Kosovar residents in exchange for jobs at the Prishtina Airport.

“Woollett was accused of receiving money from a local businessman, who was in a role of a mediator,” said Singh. “Allegations of corruption surfaced in the summer of 2004.”

According to Singh, allegedly Woollett and two other persons shared €3,500 to hire a person.
He said that on 19 December 2006, in a separate but related case, ten Kosovars were indicted on corruption charges, four of which were indicted for giving bribes.
Meanwhile, Skender Bucolli, Spokesperson for the Airport, told Express that the Airport management is ready to help the investigation. However, he made no comments on the case due to pending investigations. “We will respect any decision of the court, even if it decides there should be dismissals,” said Bucolli.


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