Kosovo: Croatian company privatized two mines

Prishtinë, 15 March 2007 – The “Xim Strezovci” mine and another minelocated in Golesh were bought by the Croatian company “Iming” for EUR 1,5 million.

The new owner has promised a total of EUR 30,5 million investments (EUR 14,3 million for “Xim Strezovci” and EUR 16,2 million for Golesh). Media in Kosovo reported that a wealthy Kosovar residing in Croatia stands behind the bids.

The greatest surprise was in store for NewCo “Tullara”, in which case the same bidder who previously offered the small amount of EUR 47.000 and no investment, has now turned up with a bid of EUR 160,000, being thus announced provisional winner.

The sales increased the number of privatized Socially Owned Enterprises – SOEs to 270 and accumulated additional EUR 1,6 million for the privatization fund of the Kosovo Trust Agency – KTA.


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