Kosovo close to joining the EBRD

Kosovo has met key membership criteria and may soon be part of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

According to an official of the Ministry of Finance, there are three main criteria for a country to join the EBRD.

The contender, according to him, must be part of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, and to also have the support of countries that have a majority stake in the bank.

The third condition to join the European Bank is the consent of at least 39 member countries of EBRD to accept the membership of a new country.

Kosovo, according to the Government official, has completed the first two criteria, because it is part of two international financial institutions – the World Bank and the IMF, and the countries that have recognized us, have the most shares in the bank.

The only problem is ensuring a sufficient number of states that would support Kosovo’s entry into this institution, as only 38 states that have recognized Kosovo‘s independence are part of this bank, and to be a member with full rights, Kosovo needs a vote by one of the states that haven’t recognized us yet.

/Telegrafi /