Tender for new power plant „Kosova e Re“ to be completed this year

In a press conference where he presented the priorities of his Ministry for 2012, the Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj, stated that the selection of the company which will build the new power plant “Kosova e Re” will be made this year.

According to him, the Government is making structural reforms in the energy sector hoping to attract new investments. He announced that decisions will be made in the prolonged tender for the construction of the new power plant.

“We are in a relatively good phase, where together with the transaction advisor and the already done preparations we hope that in February we will announce the call for bids. This year, we also intend to have financial closure and to proclaim the winner, who will take responsibility for investments in „Kosova e Re, “said the minister.

On the agenda of the Ministry of Economic Development for this year is the privatization of Kosovo Telecom as well as the telephone and Internet country code.

Regarding the privatization of the power network and supply, the minister said that they have all the necessary documents and that the winner of the tender will be announced very soon.

According to the Minister, this year will begin the construction of a new 400 kW power line to Albania, a study for the production of renewable energy will be made and an agency for energy efficiency will also be established.

/Telegrafi /

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