Kosovo: 10 Int. companies in race for energy sector

Prishtinë, 5 december 2006 – Kosovar Ministry for Energy and Mining has announced yesterday that 10 large international companies and consortiums have submited their credentials to be considered for the development of energy resources in Kosovo.

This comes after the Kosovar Ministry earlier this year issued a call for expression of interest for foreign investments in the development of energy resources in Kosovo, including the building of completely new power plant and the opening of new coal mine.

The interested companies are:

Consortium: CEZ/AES corporation – Czech Republic/USA
KazTransGaz – Kazakhstan
RWE Power AG – Germany
Consortium: EnBW/WGI – Germany/USA
EDISON S.p.A – Italy
EVN – Austria
United Resources AG – Switzerland
BOT – Poland
EN+ – united Kingdom
Consortium: Enel/Sencap – Italy/Greece

A list of pre-qualified companies will be issued by the end of first quarter of 2007, after which the Kosovar Government will invite the qualified companies to compete in the project tender.