IPAK-Vienna presents Kosovo in front of Austrian investors

Vienna, 14 October 2008 – The Office of Investment Promotion Agency of Kosovo (IPAK) in Vienna, implemented by the Economic Initiative for Kosova (ECIKS), has participated in an investment promotion event organized by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ) and FIAS / World Bank.

The goal of the event in Vienna was to present and discuss investment opportunities in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia. Country representatives provided information and offered services to about 50 participating Austrian companies while representatives of Austrian companies who have already invested in the region discussed about their experience.

Kosovo was represented in this event by IPAK Office in Vienna. Hamez Morina of this office invited potential investors to follow the example of some Austrian companies and use the opportunities in Kosovo. “Our most valuable asset walks on two legs” said Mr. Morina, hinting at Kosovo’s young and well educated population.


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