Foreign investments in construction and real estate increase

Most Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Kosovo are oriented in the real estate and construction sector. According to  2011 report of the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK). According to the report, 32.8% of foreign investments are directed in the construction sector, 16% in real estate, 12.6 % in manufacturing, 11.7% in the financial sector, followed by the transport and telecommunications sector with a share of 5.9%. According to the report, the highest growth was noticed in the construction and the transport and telecommunications sector.

EU countries continue to represent the main source of FDIs in Kosovo. The report presents the UK as the country with the most FDIs in Kosovo, 29.6%. A significant increase of FDIs has come from Turkey, which is third in the list. In addition, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia and the U.S. continue to be countries with significant levels of FDIs in Kosovo.

/Telegrafi /

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