BSPK: Lack of workers’ protection an extreme irresponsibility

Prishtina, 22 July 2004 – Trade Workers Union (BSPK) reacted yesterday regarding the death of two KEK workers in the opencast coalmine near Obiliq, Zëri informs.

The Union expresses its deep indignation and concern over the inadequate security conditions, to which the workers are subject during their daily work. The Union also reminds that this is not the first such case and that there have been many other similar cases in the last five years in Kosovo, especially in KEK. Speaking for the BSPK, its leader Bahri Shabani said that what happened in the coalmine was an example of total lack of responsibility of the authorities who are not implementing the existing law on the protection of workers. ‘The responsibility primarily lies with the government of Kosovo, UNMIK, KTA and the management of the enterprise’, Shabani is quoted as saying.

The leadership of the Union emphasises its demand addressed to the relevant authorities, especially to the Kosovo government to implement the Law on Protection at Work in order to prevent similar tragic incidents from happening in the future.


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