COVID-19, ECIKS recommendations and Government measures

ECIKS, as one of the leading companies supporting the private sector development, has assessed the measures taken by the Government of Kosovo to combat the pandemic caused by the COVID-19. The reaction of the Government and economic institutions to alleviate the effects on the private sector has been compared with the recommendations made by ECIKS’s White Paper published immediately after the confirmation of the first cases of infections in Kosovo.

In general, the ECIKS recommendations have been implemented partially. Government measures, although welcomed and necessary, do not guarantee the avoidance of a recession and a systemic economic crisis. The first indicators of this crisis already speak of a greater impact on the local economy than that of the 2008 financial crisis.

ECIKS recommends that measures continue to be implemented “timely and targeted focusing on the companies affected by these decisions – and temporary, as long as the restrictive measures are in force” (Timely, Targeted, Temporary).

ECIKS has been monitoring the situation continuously and is assessing the support measures that have been taken so far, while it will continue to review and propose additional measures.

A summary of the measures recommended by ECIKS, the response of the country’s economic institutions, and the impact they have on the private sector as a result of the pandemic crisis can be read by clicking on the below button.