Winter tourism hotels of Kosovo will be privatised next year

Prishtinë, Sept 13, 2005 – UNMIK Pillar IV Chief, Joachim Ruecker, is afraid that the privatisation process of the Inex tourist centre in Brezovica is going to be pretty hard, Kosovar daily Lajm reports.

“It is a very big enterprise, thus its privatisation could be somewhat more difficult,” said Ruecker. “We have tried to privatise the SOE as soon as possible. I am not sure if it will be privatised within five months, but probably after that time it will happen for sure.”

Ruecker said that the cooperation between the Kosovo Trust Agency and the SOE’s management is very good.

Furthermore, SRSG Soren-Jessen Petersen said that he is optimistic that the privatisation of Inex will happen as soon as possible.


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