“Vetëvendosje” insists on reciprocity measures

The ‘Vetëvendosje’ political movement has issued an ultimatum to the Kosovo Government to implement the motion passed in the National Assembly by the end of the year. In a press conference on Sunday, the leader of this movement, Albin Kurti issued this ultimatum. He stated that if the reciprocity motion which was passed by the National Assambly does not get applied, they will block the two border crossings in Merdare and Dheu i Bardhë.

The Vetëvendosje motion which was approved by the Assembly with a majority of votes, requires from the Kosovo Government the implementation of full reciprocity measures to Serbia, not only in the trade regime but also on all other economic and political issues.

This September, Vetëvendosje has also started the campaign “Duaje Tënden” (www.duaje.com ), which aims the promotion of local products in Kosovo. The main idea of the campaign is to put the campaign logo in the packaging of local products (see photo) and thus encourage Kosovars to replace imported products with local ones.