Upcoming Event in Vienna: IPAK / ECIKS organising a conference on Mining and Energy in Kosovo

The Vienna Office of Investment Promotion Agency of Kosovo (IPAK Vienna) and the Economic Initiative for Kosova (ECIKS), in cooperation with Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) and Energieversorgung Niederösterreich (EVN), are organising a conference on Investment Opportunities in the Sector of Mining and Energy in Kosovo. The conference, sponsored by UNIQA International, will take place on 28 May 2008 in Vienna.

The conference will offer information on the investment opportunities in the sector of energy and mining in Kosovo, in the scope of the achieved political and legal stability granted through the solution of the political status of Kosovo. The sector of energy is very important since it has the potential to turn around the economy of Kosovo. Kosovo is the fifth largest lignite depository in the world. New investments that are planed for the following years will make Kosovo one of the key players in the energy market in the region. Kosovo is planning to build a new power plant station and open new coal mines in the vicinity of Prishtina with a total new electricity generation capacities of around 2100 mega watts. These projects represent a great opportunity for Austrian investors.

28 May 2008 at 12:00

UNIQA Building
Untere Donaustasse 25, Floor 7
1029 Vienna

Registration deadline:
26 May 2008

Download the PDF invitation (in German)


12:00 Opening remarks
Dr. Wolfgang KINDL, Managing Director of UNIQA International

12:10 Liberalisation of the Energy Market in South Eastern Europe as a chance for investors
Roland MATOUS, Energy Community

12:20 Video report
ORF (Austrian TV) report on foreign investments in Kosovo

12:30 Current economic situation and investment opportunities in Kosovo
Kujtim Dobruna, Head of IPAK Vienna / ECIKS

12:40 Mining and energy potentials of Kosovo
Dr. Blerim REXHA, Deputy Minister of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Kosovo

12:50 The Interest of Austrian Companies for Kosovo
Dr. Günther OFNER, CEO of EVN Macedonia und EVN Albania

13:00 Discussion

13:30 Buffet

Christian WEHRSCHÜTZ, ORF-Correspondent from the Balkans

For additional information and registration, please contact:
Investment Promotion Agency of Kosovo – Office in Vienna
Tel: +43 (0) 1 890 50 26
Fax: +43 (0) 1 890 50 26 26
E-Mail: info@ipak-vienna.org

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