Turkish investors interested in the Kosovar banking sector

A delegation from Turkey’s bankers visited the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo and met with the Governor Gërguri and his associates who have informed the guests about the profile of the banking system and economic development of Kosovo and the opportunities to invest in it.

Governor Gërguri has highlighted the advantages of the banking and economic system of Kosovo as a strong anchor base for foreign investment.

On a macroeconomical level, they mentioned the financial stability and fiscal discipline in the country followed by the highest rate of GDP growth in the region. The banking system on the other hand is characterized with high levels of capitalization, a satisfactory liquidity rate and a one-digit level of non-performing loans.

Also mentioned in the meeting were the extensive opportunities offered by Kosovo’s economy to increase the banking intermediation in sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, etc.

/Telegrafi /

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