Tender package for the privatization of the power network approved

The Governmental Committee in charge of the privatization process of the supply and distribution network of Kosovo’s Energy Coorporation ( KEK ), approved the final bidding package and transfer scheme to which all the pre-qualified investors have already agreed to (Elsewedy, Calik, Limak and Taib Bank )

In a press release, the Ministry of Economic Developement stated:”The tender package contains the following five final documents: the bidding rules, agreement to buy or sell stock; bulk supply agreement, agreement on imports and the implementation agreement“.

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) as the transaction advisor in collaboration with KEK, have compiled a Transfer Scheme from public to the private sector. This scheme, which contains the transfer agreement, the joint services agreement and the agreement for collection of debts was also approved by the Governmental Committee for Privatization.

The process is going according to the agenda, with the next step being the submission of bids by the investors and the selection of the best bid for the privatization of the Supply and Distribution Network of KEK .

/Telegrafi /