Sejdiu invites German companies to invest in Kosovo

During his official visit to Germany, Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu called German businesses to invest in Kosovo and praised the favorable conditions for investments.

In an event organized by the German-Kosovar Economic Association in Berlin, Sejdiu met German businesses that are present in Kosovo and other German potential investors.

President Sejdiu said that the Euro as official currency has helped Kosovo to maintain economic stability in the country. He stressed than many international companies and several major European banks are engaged in Kosovo.

In longer presentations, Kosovar Minister of Finance and Economy, Ahmet Shala and the Minister of Trade and Industry, Lutfi Zharku outlined the investment opportunities in Kosovo, both in private sector and within privatization of large public companies.

German businesses showed interest in details about investment opportunities in key areas in Kosovo, including the sector of energy, mining, waste processing.

During his visit in Berlin, Kosovo President also met with German President Horst Kohler, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the chairman of Bundestag, Norbert Lammert.


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