Protests cost more than five million euros

Prishtina, 7 April 2004 – The Kosova Government expects the cost of repairing the damage that was caused during the 17-18 March riots to be more than five million euros, which the government has allocated for this matter, Koha Ditore reports. The paper claims that only two municipalities, Mitrovica and Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje have give damage assessment reports of about four million euros.

April 5 was the last day when the municipalities had to submit reports on the damage caused during the riots but only twelve out of nineteen municipalities have done so. Reports were submitted according to different assessment criteria and the figures given there might not be realistic, said a source in the government.

Behxhet Hamiti, member of the Commission for Emergency Fund Management, stated that the Ministry of Spatial Planning along with UNMIK and EAR experts is in the process of drafting a standard form to be used in all the municipalities.

Minister Brajshori stated that based on the amount of the damage reported so far by the municipalities, it is expected that the overall amount will be higher than 5 million euros. The same was also confirmed by the Prime Minister’s advisor.

Brajshori stated that the government would give priority for reconstruction to houses, whereas for the assessment of damage to religious sites, UNESCO’s and Council of Europe’s assistance will be requested.

During a meeting of the Commission, an action plan for work to be carried out from 5 April to 5 May. According to this plan, municipalities have to process the information not later than 10 April.


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