Privatization continues in Kosovo, now even more transparent

In the 50th wave of privatization, the New Enterprise – Ratar in Ajvali was sold for 7 million and 777 thousand euro. Twelve offers were made for this enterprise and the lowest was 922 thousand euro, significantly smaller than the highest bid. Four million were offered for the other state enterprise Banja e Pejës. In total, 42 offers have been submitted and their total value stands at 14 million and 373 thousand euro.

An official from the Privatization Agency of Kosovo (PAK) said that thus far 290 state enterprises have been privatized, earning a total of 520 million euro for the Trust Fund. “It’s my pleasure to inform you that in coordination with the other parties we have finalized the process of changes in the current legislation and have unified the legal basis to conform with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, as well as carried out fundamental changes in the Law of PAK, the creation of a Law for the Special Chamber, and the approval of the Law which regulates the reorganization and restructuration of enterprises like “Trepça.” We hope that these laws will be approved in the summer session of the Assembly of Kosovo,” she concluded.

During the ceremony of accepting offers for privatization, PAK launched the new project for the live broadcasting of sessions which made it possible for the 50th wave to be followed by the public both in and outside Kosovo. The aim is to make available all the sessions of privatization live for the open public in order to increase the transparency of the whole process.

ECIKS / Koha