Post & Telecom of Kosovo opens doors to establishment of strategic alliance

Prishtina, Aug 22, 2005 – Three international companies are competing for a partnership with Post & Telecom of Kosovo [Kosova] (PTK). An establishment of such alliance aims at improving the services. A PTK partner for strategic advising will be announced in the following days.

“For a long time PTK had some deficiencies and during the past 2-3 months we have signed the contracts for expanding the network of mobile telephony in order to provide better services,” said PTK Managing Director Gavin Jeffrey.

“We need to recognize what is happening with other telecommunication companies since PTK is in danger of not keeping in pace with these developments.

“The PTK is in danger of remaining behind in the telecommunication developments in comparison to similar companies in other countries of the world. Therefore, it has been looking for a company, which would help it get closer to the global telecommunication development.”

It has not been said yet how much this strategic partnership will cost the PTK. PTK Spokesperson, Seremb Gjergji, stated, “The assessment will be carried out by PTK officials, appointed by DSRSG Joachim Ruecker.”

The Head of UNMIK Pillar IV, Joachim Ruecker, appointed a commission, which will deal with the applications of companies. Jeffrey said that this is not privatization, but a partner for PTK.

The companies that applied are the Italian Eutelia, Italian Telecom and British Telephone.

According to PTK officials, the winner will be selected after it has been verified that all the requirements have been met.

Besides reporting on the three bidders, Zeri reads that also Cable&Wireless Company has sent its bid to the PTK.