Ljubljanska Banka enters the banking market of Kosovo

Today, the Nova Ljubljanska Banka (NLB) signed the contract on the acquisition of a 50.14% stake in Kasabank sh.a., Prishtina, Kosovo. This brought it to the market of Kosovo, where it was not present before, which is in accordance with the strategic goals of expansion and growth in operations of the NLB Group on the SEE markets.

Prishtinë, 5 April 2007 – The purchase of the majority capital stake in Kasabank opens the door to an even closer co-operation and strengthening of good economic relationships between Slovenia and Kosovo, where several Slovene companies are already present. The goal of the NLB Group on this market is to offer a complete banking and financial service and quality client monitoring. The NLB Group has adequate knowledge in different financial areas and rich experience to stimulate the potential of the developing market of Kosovo. Kasabank is the third largest bank on the banking market of Kosovo. It started operating in 2002. During this time it has developed into a bank with the most wide-spread retail branch network in Kosova with more than 60 branches. Its total assets as at 31 December 2006 stood at 128.6 million euros and its market share was 12.3%.

The NLB Group today

The NLB is the parent bank of the NLB Group. The NLB Group has 58 members in 18 markets, 15 of which are banks, 11 leasing companies, 11 factoring and forfeiting companies, 4 insurance companies, 1 asset-management company and 16 companies engaged in other activities. The NLB Group is a trust-worthy partner to more than three million clients. With 1,500 correspondence relations in 140 countries, the NLB Group is the leading Slovenian international financial group. The NLB group has 8,200 employees.

International credit ratings that allow the NLB Group access to international financing sources on favourable terms are: Moody’s A2, Fitch A- and Capital Intelligence A.

In 2006 the renowned magazine The Banker declared the NLB the best bank in Slovenia, and NLB Tutunska banka the best bank in Macedonia. In terms of Tier 1 capital and in terms of its total assets, the NLB ranks 8th and 9th, respectively, among all banks in Central and Eastern Europe (The Banker, July 2006). In 2006 the NLB was named country winner bank in Slovenia by the financial magazines Global Finance and Euromoney for the ninth time in a row. (Source: NLB Public Relations)