KTA: Today, bid pre-registration deadline

Prishtina, 08 September 2004 – The Kosovo Trust Agency informs that today, September 8, is the pre-registration deadline for persons wishing to bid on the Socially Owned Enterprises which are being privatised in Kosovo.

Persons who wish to pre-register must do so at the KTA Main Office in Prishtina or at the KTA Regional office in North Mitrovica. The pre-registration requirement will speed the overall privatisation process, and enable the KTA to carry out the best and most efficient privatisation process possible.

For a pre-registration you must submit a Statement of Eligibility an Agency Declaration and your contact details at the KTA Privatisation Department’s Main Office in Prishtina, or at the KTA Regional office in Mitrovica.

For more information please visit the KTA-Webpage at: http://www.kta-kosovo.org/ktapress/2004/preregistration.pdf


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