KTA Board meeting on April 19

Prishtina, 15 April 2004 – Pillar IV officials have finally decided to call a KTA Board Meeting, Kosovar daily “Pavarësia” reports.

“The date of the 19th of April has been proposed, but not agreed on,” Pillar IV spokesperson, Kris Litiere, told the paper. “The Chairman of the KTA Board has requested the Secretary of the Board to inquire into the availability of the Board members, with a view of calling a Board meeting,” said Litiere. He added that not all Board member have replied, which according to the paper indicates that the invitations were sent out.

Acknowledging the receipt of an invitation, Government spokesperson, Mimoza Kusari, could not confirm government representatives’ participation in the Board meeting. She said that this issue was discussed in the last meeting and that no decision was taken. She added that the issue would be discussed in the next government meeting.

Pavarësia further reports that also the Independent Trade Unions representatives have not yet decided whether they will participate in the meeting.


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