Kosovo's Nickel Plant starts production

Drenas, 12 September 2007 – According to representatives of the British Alferon, a company that privatized Kosovo’s Nickel Plant “Ferronikeli” a year ago, over 25 million EUR were invested in the plant since then and additional 30 million EUR are planned by January 2008.

Numerous officials from the Kosovar Government and UNMIK have participated in the ceremony. The start of Nickel production is great news for Kosovo’s economy, as it will generate over 500 million EUR annually, said Paul Acda, head of UNMIK Pillar IV.

Kosovar officials praised the courage of British investors who have invested in Kosovo without waiting for its final political status to be determined. We will have much more such successful examples in the independent Kosovo, said Bujar Dugolli, Kosovar Minister of Trade and Industry.

Ferronikeli was purchased by Alferon for 30 million EUR in 2006 within the privatization process in Kosovo. Since then, additional 25 million EUR were invested and over 1000 employees hired.