Kosovo: TRA authorized to dismantle antennas

Prishtinë, Oct 19, 2006 – The UNMIK Legal Office sent a letter to the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of Kosovo (TRA), informing that the TRA is allowed to dismantle all illegal antennas in Kosovo, Koha Ditore reports. Sources inside UNMIK told newspapers in Kosovo that the TRA will be allowed to dismantle all antennas except for the Serb-Norwegian Mobtel-Telenor “063”-ones so they could continue to operate in the Serb areas.

The Head of the TRA, Anton Berisha, confirmed to have received such a letter. “It is true that from now on we are free to dismantle all antennas of illegal operators in different areas in Kosovo,” he said.

Berisha also said that the TRA together with municipal assemblies would start identifying all illegal antennas and then dismantle them.

According to the Post and Telecom of Kosovo (PTK), Mobilna Telefonija Srbija (MTS) has already installed illegal antennas in several places in the region of Prishtina, Podujeva, Mitrovica,Skenderaj, Gjilan, Kamenica, Vitia, Ferizaj, Gjakova and Peja.