Kosovo to host Western Balkans Summit

The Republic of Kosovo is expected to host a Western Balkans Summit where presidents of the Balkan nations are expected to attend.

President of Kosovo, Fatmir Sejdiu will host the summit which will take place in Prizren. President of Croatia Stjepan Mesic, President of Montenegro, Filip Vujanovic, President of Albania, Bamir Topi and President of Macedonia, Georgi Ivanov will attend the summit to discuss the situation in the region.

Croatian President Mesic, in an interview for Croatia Radio has confirmed his arrival in Kosovo on January 7.Meanwhile, in his interview Mesic also mentioned Prizren presidential meeting, but without elaborating details.

“The agreement is that a day after my visit, on January 8, several presidents will meet in Prizren to discuss the situation in the region,” Mesic said in an interview for Croatian Radio.

New Kosova Report

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