Kosovo Telecom with 24 million euro profit in the first two quarters

In a press release, the Post and Telecom of Kosovo announced that the company has increased its financial performance in the first six months of this year, compared to the same period of last year. PTK has increased net profit by 10% compared to last year or 4% over the 2012 business plan. The net profit of PTK for the first six months of 2012 is 24 million Euros.

Based on current financial data and the constant positive rate of this business, 2012 can be closed with much larger profits than last year.

According to Kosovo Telecom, around 40 thousand new mobile numbers have been sold only during the last two weeks of June, bringing the total number of registered VALA costumers to exactly 1.320.501.

By meeting the financial objectives on the one hand and by launching more attractive and acceptable products to consumers on the other – PTK shows that the profit growth has been greatly affected by the increasing number of customers , the greater use of roaming services, the reducing of costs for international calls and the measures taken by the executive management to reduce costs.

/Koha /

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