Kosovo should gain independence now, but not full sovereignty

Prishtina, April 11, 2005 – Kosovo should gain independence from Serbia in 2005-2006, and it should be recognized as an independent entity. However it will not enjoy complete sovereignty, as human rights and protection of minorities would remain reserved for the international community.

These are two phases that Kosovo should go through during this transition phase (2005-2006), Koha Ditore cited the recommendations of the International Commission in its latest report on the Balkans

During those two phases, de facto separation from Serbia and recognition as an independent entity, Kosovo should be under EU instead of the current UN protectorate, whereas KFOR will have the same mandate

“In this phase it is recommended that Kosovo to be treated as an independent entity , but not as sovereign state, enabling development of self-government. All functions of a normal government that actually are performed by UNMIK and KFOR should be transferred to Kosovo institutions,” reads the report.

ECIKS / KosovaLive