Kosovo: New governmental cabinet to be elected tomorrow

Prishtina, March 22, 2005 – The voting for the new governmental cabinet will be one of the issues of the Parliament’s agenda for Wednesday, the Parliament Presidency decided in Monday’s meeting, KosovaLive informs.

The representatives of the opposition parties at the Presidency said that they had some remarks regarding the procedures.

Xhavit Haliti said that the nominee for the post of Prime Minister, Bajram Kosumi, has not submitted to the Presidency the list with the names of ministers of his cabinet.

The Parliament is expected to vote in favor of Kosumi’s government, as the coalition partners the Democratic League of Kosovo and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) has sufficient number of votes for that. The Government needs 50% plus one vote to be elected.

Ibrahim Selmanaj and Ardian Gjini nominated for new ministers

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) has nominated Ibrahim Selmanaj for the post of Minister of Labor and Social Welfare and Ardian Gjini for the post of Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning.

This was announced yesterday when the nominee for the Prime Minister Bajram Kosumi came up with the list of ministers of his cabinet, which will be put on vote by the Parliament on Wednesday’s session.

Ibrahim Selmanaj was nominated to fill the vacant position of Ahmet Isufi and Ardian Gjini the position of Bajram Kosumi.

ECIKS / KosovaLive