Kosovo, Macedonia sign energy co-operation agreement

Macedonian economy minister Fatmir Besimi and Kosovo energy minister Justina Shiroka-Pula signed a memorandum of co-operation in energy sector. The two counties will set up working groups, whose core activities include creating mutual projects and approximation of the two countries’ legislation with the acquis communautaire. Kosovo pointed out the construction of thermal and hydropower plants and electricity transmission infrastructure as main priorities. In regard to specific projects, Besimi pointed out that the two states will apply together for EBRD financing of a 400 kW power line, connecting their transmission networks. Besimi clarified that the EUR 40mn Lukovo Pole hydropower project, part of Macedonia’s Mavrovo hydropower complex, will not include Kosovo capital and will be built by the country’s power utility Elektrani na Makedonija (ELEM) with financial support from the World Bank.

Macedonia Today