Kosovo increases wages for university professors by 100 percent

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo decided that the basic pay of ordinary professors should be raised to a total of 1,000 euros, and that of new assistant professors to 500 euros. Wages of other categories of academic personnel will be calculated within the 500 to 1,000 euro framework. Non-academic personnel will benefit from a wage increase of 30 percent.

With this increase, the pay of university professors in Kosovo is now harmonized with that of their counterparts in the region, and this ensures a better material basis upon which to improve the quality of higher education in Kosovo.

In accordance with the recommendation of the National Quality Council of the Kosovo Agency for Accreditation, the Kosovo Government decided to accredit the “Dardania” private educational institution as a ‘College’. This College has the right to register 500 new students in its bachelors program and 50 in its masters program this year.

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo also decided to allow higher education institutions accredited as Colleges to register 200 additional students and those accredited as Institutes to register an additional 100 students.

New Kosova Report