Kosovo Government to proceed with new mobile telephony tender

Prishtinë, Jan 8, 2006 – UNMIK Pillar IV Chief, Joachim Ruecker, said that the SRSG has sent a letter to Kosovo PM Bajram Kosumi regarding the new tender for the second operator of mobile telephony in Kosovo. Meanwhile, the Government said that it has restarted the procedures on the reevaluation of the tender on the second operator, which was canceled by the SRSG.

Ruecker said that there is no other solution, but to announce a new tender. “I think that the Government should announce a new tender and make preparations for this,” said Ruecker “The SRSG sent a letter to Kosovo PM about this issue, saying UNMIK considers that the tender should be re-announced.”

PM Kosumi said the tender should be reevaluated in order to prove that there was no political involvement in this tender. “Considering that this issue has not been solved for a year now, the Government decided to reevaluate the tender due to only one reason: to clean the process of telephony and leave no room for suspicions of a political interference,” said Kosumi. “If the process of tendering had many irregularities, then the bodies in charge should announce it as such and close the matter. But, if the reevaluation proves that that there were no violations than the process should continue.”

Despite the letter he received from the SRSG, Kosumi considers that this is a transferred responsibility to the Government and that it does not have anything to do with UNMIK. “I said that this is a competency of the Kosovo Government and that it will remain so,” said Kosumi.