Kosovo Government reduces the budget of KTA

Prishtinë, Dec 12, 2006 – The Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA) had requested €123 million from the Kosovo Budget for 2007, but the draft of the Kosovo Budget that was approved few days ago foresees only €75 million for the KTA.

According to Kosovo Budget officials, most of the money allocated to the KTA is determined for capital projects, including energy.

“Around € 20.5 millions are dedicated only for the new mine of Sibovc and other projects necessary for the next year,” said Director of Kosovo Budget, Agim Krasniqi.

Director of KTA Budget, Edmond Mulleshi, argues that the projects presented to the Government are important for Kosovo. According to him, the biggest reductions of budget were done in the energy area.

Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) officials said the KTA should report about their financial operations, as other budget agencies. “I do not have a report on the way how the means were spent in 2006. It is reasonable that the means allocated from Kosovo Budget, as public money, should be reported and audited,” said Krasniqi.

KTA officials said a financial report for the last year was submitted in time to MEF. “We have submitted the financial report for 2005 in due time, as determined by Law on Management on Finances,” said Mulleshi.

The General Auditor has concluded a report on KTA’s financial operations, but the report has not been published yet.