Kosovo Government changes license criteria for new operator

Prishtinë, Oct 13, 2006 – Following the recommendations of the Swedish Consultant Company Ab Stela Com, the Kosovo Government decided yesterday to change the regulations of the mobile telephony tender. The tender will be something between a public auction and a new process known as “beauty contest”. Government officials said that the license price has increased from €6,5 million to €20 million, while the bid price increased from 10% to 30%.

According to these officials the Government of Kosovo considers that these changes will increase the transparency, contribute to Kosovo’s Budget and enable better services.

“This method of selecting the second mobile phone operator ensures a transparent process, since the selection criteria are already clear and objective. It also protects the interests of the customers and sends positive signals to the international business community,” said the Government Spokesperson, Ulpiana Lama.

Sources told Koha Ditore that during the Government’s meeting disagreements between the ministers occurred, as some of them supported the auction and others the “beauty contest” method. “In order to reach an agreement a combined method was chosen,” the source said.

Head of Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA), Anton Berisha, welcomed the Government’s decision to overcome the situation.

The Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication (MTT) will now decide on the tender announcement date.


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