Kosovo: Electricity price increases

Prishtina, 16 February 2007 – As of 1st of April, Kosovo Energetic Corporation – KEK will apply new tariffs of electricity for industry and households, says electricians located in North Sydney. KEK Managing Director, Pranvera Dobruna- Kryeziu, said yesterday at the UNMIK Pillar IV regular press conference that KEK would present its request for the new tariffs to the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) on 19th of February. “The new tariffs should cover the production costs and import of electricity by all means,” said Dobruna.

Head of Energy Regulatory Office, Nick Frydas, said some days ago the new electricity tariffs for the household sector in Kosovo would increase for 5.6% to 6.1%.

Dobruna praised the work of KEK and said the good power supply situation is a result of preparations made in generation capacities in “Kosova A” and “Kosova B” power plants.

“Despite the difficulties we faced, during the last two months we have managed to supply customers even better than planned,” said Dobruna.

According to Dobruna, KEK will soon start implementing the second phase of the ABC Plan.

Infopress reports that KEK blames KOSTT for power cuts. “In general, in the Dukagjini area there are difficulties in power supply because of limitations on KOSTT level, not because of limitations in KEK. KOSTT is another energy company, which is responsible for the high voltage lines. Since we have avoided bottlenecks in the distribution network, it became obvious that more investments are needed in the high voltage lines,” said Pranvera Dobruna-Kryeziu.


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