Kosovo: Decreased satisfaction with institutions’ work

Prishtinë, July 2, 2006 – Based on a survey conducted by UNDP there was a significant decrease of the satisfaction with the performance of the Kosovo institutions Express reports. A considerable decrease of satisfaction with the work of the Kosovo Assembly was observed.

Another finding of the survey was that most Kosovo Albanians are pro independence, while most of the Serbs are for a partition of Kosovo. These results were presented during a UNDP Press Conference held on Wednesday. The poll conducted in the first half of June together with other sources of information will be used for the production of the Early Warning Report number 13.

According to the survey, the economic and political pessimism has increased during the last month. Also Kosovars are much more prone to protest due to the economic situation than due to the political situation.

The corruption problem has been tackled by this poll as well. The outcome was that KEK, KTA and health services are the most corrupted institutions. Already 50% of Kosovars are not satisfied with the privatisation process.