CEFTA: First round of negotiations with Kosovo

Brussels, July 2, 2006 – The first round of negotiations on the CEFTA (Central European Free Trade Agreement) amendment and enlargement was successfully concluded yesterday in Brussels. Good results were achieved with the parties agreeing on large parts of a revised CEFTA Agreement. The second round of negotiations will take place from 25-26 July in Brussels.

The Kosovo delegation consisted of Andreas Wittkowsky, Pillar IV Head of Economic Policy Office, Gazmend Qorraj from the Stability Pact Office and Ejup Fejza from the Investment Promotion Agency in the Ministry for Trade and Industry.

The enlargement of CEFTA is a Stability Pact initiative to replace the network of bilateral free trade agreements in South-eastern Europe. South-eastern Europe Prime Ministers, SRSG Soren Jessen-Petersen and Prime Minister Agim Ceku launched the negotiation process on 6 April 2006 in Bucharest.


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