Kosovo decides to build a new 2000 MW power plant

Kosovar newspaper “Gazeta Expres”s reports that the Government of Kosovo has reached all necessary decisions for constructing the new power plant “Kosova e Re”. Unnamed sources told Express that the project will begin with the construction of a 1000-MW power plant, with additional 1000-MW to be built at a later stage. The paper further reports that the Government will decide to sell the “Kosova B” power plant, and will set 2015 as the year for shutting down the “Kosova A” power plant. In addition, the Sibovc Mine will be given to the company that wins the tender for construction of the new power plant for a 40-year concession.

In the meantime, the German RWE group has withdrawn from the bidding process for construction of the new power plant. Three international consortiums remain in the race, including the German-USA consortium EnBW/WGI, The Czech-USA CEZ/AES and the Italian-Greek Enel/Sencap.