Kosovo and Montenegro sign MoU in the field of telecommunications

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Kosovo (TRA) and the Agency for Electronic and Postal Communications of Montenegro (TEAM), have signed in Prishtina a memorandum of understanding in the field of electronic communications, which aims to exchange information, regulation of radio spectrum and coordination between regulators of the region.

The memorandum of understanding was signed by Ekrem Hoxha, head of the TRA Board, and Zoran Sekulic, executive director of TEAM.

Hoxha said that this agreement enables teams of specialized regulators to minimize and regulate cross-border interference issues in frequency channels.

“The purpose of the Agreement is the exchange of information in interest to both regulators in the telecommunications sector, exchange of expertise and regulation of radio spectrum border between the two countries,” said Hoxha.

On the other hand, Zoran Sekulic, said that Montenegro and Kosovo in the past have had good cooperation in this field.