Kosovo-Albania Sign Agreement on Joint Power Exchange


The Kosovo and Albanian transmission system operators, KOSTT and OST have reached and signed an agreement for the establishment of ALPEX – Albanian Power Exchange – and have agreed on its statute. The agreement marks a new era for the energy sector that guarantees transparency, competition, energy supply, efficient use of cross-border capacity and reduced electricity prices for citizens of both countries.

The process for selection of shareholders was finalized in June, after a 4-month delay given the situation with COVID 19. Upon the signing of the agreement, KOSTT official said that the agreement marks a historic day towards further integration into the integrated European electricity market.

Albanian Energy Exchange will pave the way for the prospect of trading energy in both countries at unregulated prices, creating great opportunities for economic benefits to producers and users of electricity.

The establishment of the Albanian Energy Exchange is in line with the policies of the Government of Albania and Kosovo for the liberalization of the energy market and one of the objectives of the ‘third package’ of directives of the European Union for the establishment of the European Internal Electricity Market (“IEM”).


Photo by wonho kim on Unsplash

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